Women, LGBTQ+, all age groups, all ethnicities and those with disabilities - we are here to represent you.


Consider the following demographic statistics of the world’s population:

  • 87% of the world’s population is non-white

  • 37.5% of the world’s population is registered disabled

  • 49.6% of the world’s population is female-identifying

How come we’re not seeing the same dispersion of percentages across adventure films?

The narratives, central characters and over-arching messages of the industry needs shaking up. This is what Passion Fruit Pictures is set up to do.

Our mission is to tell your story with the power and authenticity it deserves, and show others like you that there is a safe space for them to thrive in the outdoors.

Get in touch to discuss how we can work together on getting your story cinematically out there. Because your story matters!